Where as a few years back being skinny with small curves was considered sexy now the curvier the hips the better. It’s understandable why anyone would want to have bigger hips. If you’re serious about getting wider hips here are a few tips that will answer the age old question “how can I get bigger hips?”. Combine these with our Yoga Hip Stretches and Exercises for Wider Hips for even better hip widening results.

Doing certain exercise can help you get wider hips. Things like side leg raises and side lunges target certain muscles which curve and add definition to your hip area. Using weights like dumbbells can help make things a little more challenging. When you add resistance like dumbbells to your hip exercises you’ll get results a little faster.
Check out this post with a 3 minute workout for bigger hips fast.

Consider adding yoga to your routine. Yoga is great for stretching a toning. Doing certain yoga poses can help loosen up your hips. When you loosen up your hips they will spread a little bit over time with enough practice. This is a good method for getting wider hips. Need to learn some poses? Here’s an article on a few yoga poses that will help you spread your hips making them wider.

Surgery is another method you can use to get bigger hips. There are two particular surgeries you can utilize for getting bigger hips. One surgery would be fat grafting. When you choose this method doctors take out fat from one section of your body like your love handles or stomach. After, they concentrate the fat to make sure it has a higher chance of staying and not being absorbed back into your body and metabolized. This fat is injected into the hips. The doctor tries  to shape the fat to look natural.
Another surgery would be hip implants. Although these are less common these are just implants designed to feel natural which will be placed inside your body in a pocket the doctor makes.
With both methods there are serious risk. You also will need to consider recovery time. These methods usually mean you won’t be able to put ANY type of pressure on the area for a few weeks.

There are some pills and creams designed to help you enhance your hips. Code Curves is designed to help you deposit more fat into your hips and butt area. They also help you lose fat around your midsection and lose love handles which is why it’s called “Code Curves”. You can learn more about how each ingredient in Code Curves works from this previous post. You can buy “Code Curves” from our online store.

Shape wear is another way you can get wider hips. This creates the illusion of wider hips. Picking the best and most natural fit and feel is the most important part. There are 3 types of shape wear designed to make your hips look wider.
The first are just padded underwear. These are padded at the hips. These usually look dramatic. The downside of this style is that they can move around which can make you end up looking deformed or giving away your padded secret.
The second style are lifters. They have a strap on the sides which are supposed to lift your butt an hips up by pushing up your fat. This won’t work if your don’t have much butt fat to work with. This can also look sloppy and weird if the fat around your butt is thicker randomly.
The last are shapers which compress your body all except your hips. The more expensive ones taper to help your fat distribute evenly. The cheaper one may cause your hips to bulge out in a unflattering way.
Good look on your journey for wider hips!

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